The key ingredients to solo travel

I’ll admit it, it takes a special person to hop on a plane, bus or boat on a solo adventure. The thought of it is scary; What the heck will I do alone for the next week or two let alone a month? Who will I have dinner with or even talk to? These are fair questions and the answers aren’t always clear-cut. I have travelled to over ten countries solo and learned some important lessons along the way so listen up.

You Must Enjoy Your OWN Company

To put it simple, the most important part of solo travel has been learning to enjoy my own company. Knowing how to cheer myself up when things don’t go as planned. Being able to sit by myself AND like it. Whether it’s exploring the cobble stone streets of Casco Viejo, Panama or people watching in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney, Australia. Spending time alone  in a foreign country is the best way to do some introspection and gain a deeper understanding of who you are. It’s not always comfortable but you will learn something new about yourself each time you do it.


Have Good Energy & Vibes 

Having good energy will expand your horizons, trust me. Even though I travel solo to different parts of the world, I am NOT always alone. My theory is good people are attracted to good people. Opening yourself up to opportunities to meet people while traveling is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Having a fun light hearted spirit will attract the right people, both locals and travelers alike. I have made friends all around the world and I am a better person because of it.


3 Comments Add yours

  1. Sonya Shumate says:

    I’m so proud of you and your life Journey. It is inspiring and I hope to do the same and travel. Thank you for the advise.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sonya girl!!!


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